Aprenda inglês grátis

Concorra a um curso completo de inglês com um dos melhores professores do país.


Aprenda da sua casa

Você aprende no conforto da sua casa ou no trabalho, através de uma metodologia incrível que permite flexibilização de horários.

man in blue and white plaid shirt using macbook pro
man in blue and white plaid shirt using macbook pro

Do zero ao avançado

Se está iniciando no inglês, não tem problema, você vai aprender o idioma do jeito certo e de forma rápida.

a man standing on top of a mountain with a backpack
a man standing on top of a mountain with a backpack

Seja fluente no inglês

selective focus photography of jolly woman using peace hand gesture
selective focus photography of jolly woman using peace hand gesture

Aprenda de forma mais inteligente com aulas e materiais que farão toda a diferença no seu ensino. Conquiste a tão sonhada fluência e nunca mais deixe de aproveitar as oportunidade de saber inglês!


What do they say?

Easy to use

I've used all of the personal finance apps on the market, and found that most have a hard time syncing my various bank accounts and cards real-time, leaving me guessing sometimes for days. Blick was a pleasant surprise! The team has really worked hard to ensure instant syncronization with most of the mainstream banks and lenders. Impressed!

- Anna Jenkins

Amazed by great results!

I rely on my budgeting spreadsheet since it helps me organize my spending data into meaningful charts and tables. That's why I've been comprehensive about switching to a personal finance app, as I found that the data presentation was usually lacking at best. Lo and behold, Blick was the only app that made the cut!

- Danny Lores


Team members


Happy users


Supported lenders

What are you waiting for?

There's no better time to take control of your finances. With Blick's powerful categorization and visualization tools you'll actually stick to your budget.